Opening Statement

There are so many things about The Evil Dead that have made it one of the most appealing horror films ever made, and one of the most important films in my life. First and foremost, the film shows off that horror can be fun – by Aaron Pinkston, August 8, 2016

Within the Woods: Fear of the Unknown

The tools the storyteller chooses to use to tell the story should always serve their main purpose...but if suspense is about the mystery, is it better to keep the fear unknown, or should the monster always be revealed? – by Zachary Davis, August 8, 2016

Reality Is Mundane: Special Effects and Unrealism

While special effects have evolved to become exponentially more realistic since 1981, few modern sights appeal to the imagination like The Evil Dead’s supernatural terrors – by Alec Jensen, August 9, 2016

Filmography: Bruce Campbell

Through the spectrum of the breakout hit we are covering this week all the way through his revitalization with that character, there are many other wonderful and weird performances we need to talk about – by Aaron Pinkston, August 10, 2016

Related Review: If Chins Could Kill

What better book to capture gorehounds’ attention than the irreverent memoirs cult cinema’s most likeable everyman, “Groovy” Bruce Campbell? – by Matt Warren, August 11, 2016

Further Streaming: Horror Comedies

The Evil Dead Trilogy became incredibly influential to the world of horror comedy. Fans of the The Evil Dead's dark humor should check out some these more recent films – by Jeff Hazlett, August 12, 2016